The Fila Brasileiro

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The Fila Brasileiro A Giant Guard Dog and the Most Loyal Companion

The Fila Brasileiro is a Molosser-type working dog breed originating in Brazil (fila is Portuguese for line/range). The Molosser dogs are easily distinguished by their large size, heavy bones, muscled neck and short muzzle. The Fila was originally bred for the purpose of taking down large animals and even people, suchlike runaway slaves, and used on Brazilian plantations and ranches as a working dog, serving as loyal helper to its master.

Typically described as a Brazilian Mastiff/Molloser, this large and imposing breed is considered to have been developed from crossbreeding the Mastiff, the Bloodhound and the Bulldog. An interesting fact about this massive dog is that the croup is higher than the withers, uncommon for dogs. The head is quite big, with droopy ears and the coat is smooth and short, which makes the grooming process very easy. Its coat color ranges from fawn, red, sand and brindle to black. Males are heavier than females and can weigh from 110 to 180 pounds, with a height of 25.5 to 29.5 inches. Both are resilient to any climate.

The Fila Brasileiro is an extremely powerful dog, with a mellow face expression, which displays an interior calm that could be taken for granted. This dog is very intelligent, courageous and, although it is not an aggressive dog by nature, this breed needs a highly responsible owner who will train it properly and will not use it for fighting purposes or engage it in any kind of attacks on humans or animals. This breed becomes extremely attached to its owner and very affectionate towards him, and it will do anything its master asks of him. This faithful dog is a top-notch guard, and you can rest assured that your family and property is in excellent hands (or paws, for accuracy's sake). Obedience training and proper socialization from an early age are crucial to a healthy psychological development. You need to be patient and assertive, yet calm towards it during the training course.

Due to its large size, this dog is not suitable for apartment living conditions. Futhermore, it does need a lot of exercise, suchlike long walks to maintain its health. A fenced yard or a farm is more appropriate for it. The Fila Brasilieiro is the most loyal dog breed, and there is even a Brazilian saying regarding loyalty inspired by the dog: ”faithful as a Fila”. They absolutely adore playing with children, while being fiercely protective of them. Yhey will attack anyone who poses a threat to the kids - or anyone else in their family, for that matter. They are not very good with other pets.

The biggest enemies in their life? definitely strangers or property intruders. They are utterly reluctant in accepting unfamiliar people and consider that strangers serve no purpose, other than disrupting a peaceful and steady family home. This is why your family friends should be prohibited to pet this dog, otherwise it will snap at them and, to make matters worse, without showing any kind of signals that it is going to attack. Usually, they do not exhibit aggression signs unless they are touched by strangers or feel a threat towards their family. However, you cannot blame the dog if this happens, because its chasing-down instincts are genetically inborn. To put it shortly, this dog is the perfect guard dog for your family and the worst nightmare for everyone else. Hence, steady training to the letter is of key importance.

You should also be aware of the potential liabilities involving this breed. In some countries, like the UK, owning such a dog is forbidden by law, and in others it is restricted, like in Australia. If you decide to adopt a Fila Brasileiro, you will gain a brave, docile, obedient and highly loyal companion with a heart of gold, for your entire family to enjoy.

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