The East Russian Coursing Hound

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Are You Looking For A Special Furry Friend? East Russian Coursing Hounds Are Exactly What You Need!

It is widely considered that a pet is very important in ones life: it may even become indispensable for some of us; East Russian Coursing Hounds are exactly what you are looking for, in case you need an intelligent and friendly companion that would not give up on you, no matter what.

When we talk about this type of dog, we actually refer to the Taigan and the Tasy, two breeds from Rusia. The Taigan and Tasy are medium-sized dogs, which have been used for coursing, foxes, marmots and other animals by local hunters.

Why would you choose such a dog?

These beautiful dogs are extremely loyal and friendly. Even more, they can be miraculous for children and teenagers who find it difficult to integrate and make friends. Why so? Because they are highly intelligent and communicative.

How do East Russian Coursing Hounds look like?

They are elegant, thin, tall and athletic dogs. Their color can vary a lot and their fur is short, silky and very dense. Such a dog has a special appearance and you will feel good when going for a stroll with him.

Here are a few facts you should know about these pets:
They are pretty sensitive when it comes to low temperatures. A cold climate is inappropriate for them. It is advisable to dress the dog during winter
This breed is widely known as one of the most noble dog breeds in the world.
The Taigan and Tasy are also considered very intelligent dogs. You would be surprised to discover how easy they become attached to their owners and how well they get along.
They are not very noisy, they do not use to bark a lot, but they can be very aggressive, if provoked. In other words, they make very good watchdogs, but if you want to go in a crowded place with a one, you should put a muzzle on them. This way, you can be sure that there will be no incidents.
They are simply great companions!

Are you wondering where can you find the perfect East Russian Coursing Hound for you? Well, in case you have already decided to buy such a puppy, you should go to a local adoption center or breeder and. However, if you cannot find any in the area where you live (and it is very possible, because they are pretty hard to find lately), you can search for the puppy online; there are many websites that can offer a connection between you and lots of breeders or adoption centers all over the world. If you are set on Russion Coursing hounds but are not exactly sure about a specific puppy, do not forget that these dogs are no way easy to find. So, if you get the chance to adopt one, do not think twice before bringing it home! Someone else might be faster than you.

East Russian Coursing Hounds are loyal, friendly and lovable companions that will not require much from you other than to love them back.

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