The Hawaiian Poi

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he Hawaiian Poi Dog A Lucky Charm in Search of Luck

The Hawaiian Poi Dog is a Hawaiian breed that became extinct. It is also considered a pariah dog that lived in tribes. A pariah dog is a feral, purebred dog. It was believed that this dog protected children and gave the female tribe members maternal instincts. The name of the dog comes from the Hawaiian staple food, named poi. The dog is a vegetarian, because the meat is found rarely on the island. It is said that the Poi Dogs were often confused with hogs and they even played with them.

The Hawaiian Poi Dog has a sturdy constitution and is of medium size. Its head is large and flat, its muzzle is elongated and square. Its forehead is wide and flat. Its cheekbones are not prominent. The flatness of the head is a result of poor diet, improper alimentation and almost lack of mastication. The jaws are not so strong. Its eyes have a normal size and an almond shape. The nose is fairly arched and black. The ears are quite large and the neck is thick and solid. The back is long and straight, the chest is wide, but also straight and the legs are short with a stiff, but relaxed gait. The coat is short and dense and has a variety of colours. The most common one is brown. These dogs are generally about 13 to 16 inches tall and weigh from 25 to 35 pounds.

Due to their odd history and use, these dogs grew trying to adapt to the binding conditions. They were not very energetic and dynamic, instead they searched for stability and affection. Their gentle nature made them the perfect friends even for very small children. They were very caring and attentive and they would do anything to please their master, but without making compromises. They did not have an aggressive personality at all, they would even play with the hogs.

However, they tended to be if not too independent, then too lazy. They would lie around all the day without doing anything. They were often treated like hogs and were considered a delicacy. In spite of their history, these dogs never stopped respecting people and obeying them. They were great playmates, but they were not particularly useful to the tribe. They used to sleep with the children and living with the families. They were easily maintained because they were very resistant and adaptable. They could live both indoors and outdoors. Because they were pretty slow, they did not want much space or too many exercises.

This breed was very unpretentious. Nowadays, they would not require a grooming routine. Occasional brushing and washing would be sufficient for these simple dogs. But most important, they would require a proper diet and regular exercises to stay in shape and to maintain their mental and physical health. Due to their living conditions, the dogs had quite a short life and would not find the time to get ill.

The Hawaiian Poi Dog is a simple breed with simple needs that lived, perhaps, in an unfortunate time and place.

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