The Japanese Spitz

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The Japanese Spitz Purity and Refinement Combined

The Japanese Spitz is a breed of dogs of the Spitz type. This sweet dog has its roots in Japan and it is bred only for company. It was created in the early 20th century.

The Japanese Spitz is a small to medium dog with a noble appearance. Its beautiful and elegant shape is emphasized by its bright, white coat. Its face is a beautiful contrast of white and black. The head is delicate and normal in size. The skull is wonderfully rounded. The forehead is large and wide. The eyes are pretty big and almond-shaped. The colour of the eyes is black with a bright and languorous expression. The erect ears have a V- shape and are set up on the head.

The stop is fine and deep. The muzzle is elongated with great finesse. The nose is normal in size and completely black. The lips are black. The neck is solid and the back is straight. The chest is slightly deep and the legs are pretty long and supple. The tail is moderately long and curved over the body. The gait is airy and easy. The pure white coat is double. The under coat is smooth and dense and the outer coat is longer. The coat is longer on the neck, forelegs, hind legs and tail.

Generally, the females are a little bit smaller than the males. The average height is 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm) and the average weight is 11 to 20 pounds (5 to 10 kg).

This cute dog is extremely playful and cheery. Because it is only a companion dog, it is easy for it to do its job and to let itself be spoiled. It is perfect for small children or older people. It is very gentle and patience, but it knows when to become energetic and active. Despite its size, it can become quite protective and can make you feel safer.

They tend to bark when seeing a stranger and are quite cautious towards new people. Early training and socialization are a must, for it can became too spoiled and independent. You need to remain firm and calm to make yourself understood. It depends on human companionship, so do not let it alone too much. With the right training, this dog becomes very obedient and alert.

Although this is a companion dog, it does not want to stay in your lap all the time. It is very active outdoors and it likes to run and play in the open field. However, it prefers to stay in the house with its family and to become a part of it. It is suitable for a house with a small yard as well as for an apartment. It needs daily walks and some exercise.

The grooming is not very complicated. These dogs are very clean and they do not have that particular odour most dogs have. The dirt can be brushed out extremely easy. They need to be brushed regularly and to be washed only when necessary.

The Japanese Spitz is a beautiful dog that expects a loving and caring owner to look after him.

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