The Dunker

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The Dunker Proves That Amazing Beings Live Among Us

What you will find out about the Dunker when you first look for information about him is that this is a very strong, well-built dog that has an extremely balanced behavior. It is medium-sized and has good qualities as both a sight hound and a scent hound. You will also find it under the name of the Norwegian Hound, and it proves elegance and gentle manners. At the beginning, it was bred to hunt rabbits and hare, using the sense of smell and not sight, but now it is usually adopted as a family companion.

Its appearance is what makes this breed unique. The distinctive coloring of the coat will make an interesting looking dog, no matter if it is black or blue marbled saddle. White markings or sometimes pale fawn will make a beautiful dog. Its appearance shows power and endurance. The large eyes, the long, thin and flat ears and the elongated head show a tranquil expression that is suitable more for a companion dog, rather than a hound. The weight can generally vary from 16 to 22 kg, and males could reach around 4757 cm in height. The coat is straight, short and dense, rather rough when you touch it.

All the qualities of this dog make it suitable for a pet. It is very friendly and quite relaxed. But this only stands true for his owners and the persons close to the family members. The Dunker is almost never ill-tempered and therefore it is extraordinary with children, despite its robust and energetic nature.

The breed adapts well to every type of terrain, but keep in mind that it needs enough exercise regularly. It is essential to have your pet properly trained from a young age, because this breed tends to be quite independent, and, therefore, it will be more difficult to train once the dog gets older. There will be no problems with tolerating other dogs in the yard, but the owner needs to be extra careful when small pets are around, as the hunting instincts can make it chase them, considering them pray.

You need not worry about health issues, as this breed is not known to have genetic health problems. In some rare cases, hip dysphasia was reported to have occurred. Otherwise, these dogs may face common ailments that other breeds can experience, also.

It is not difficult to take care of the Norwegian Hound. The short coat does not require special care and attention. Brushing it once a week, or whenever it is necessary to get rid of dirt, will be enough. The dog easily adapts to any climate or location, but mind you that they need a large space to run and play. Long walks can be a real joy with such a great companion. Take good care of your dog and you will have a happy and healthy friend, ready to return your affection.

The Dunker is not very common outside Norway, but it is an impressive breed that will make a great pet, with extraordinary qualities.

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