The Miniature Fox Terrier

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The Miniature Fox Terrier Cute Face and Great Personality

The Miniature Fox Terrier, also known as the Mini Foxie, is a small Australian terrier bred as a hunting dog and vermin router. It is a close relative of the Toy Fox Terrier, which was developed in the U.S. along similar lines.

Reaching between 9 and 12 inches (26-31 cm) in height, and having a weight that is proportional to its height, this miniature dog is smoothly-muscled and cute-faced. It has a noble head with erect ears, which can be kept standing straight or folded at the tips. Standards allow for three color combinations to occur where the coat is concerned, respectively black and white, tan with white and tricolor (black, white and tan). A distinctive feature relates to its foot, which is articulate and shaped like an oval. The tail can be docked or undocked and sometimes natural bobtails can be found.

The Miniature Fox Terrier is known for being a longeval dog, being able to reach 18 or 20 years of age so long as it is well taken care of. Its longevity is influenced by diet, the affection and attention it receives, the amount of exercise it performs, how much space there is available for it to be free in and its overall sense of happiness. With regard to health problems, it is generally a healthy and robust dog that needs little maintenance. It is however prone to epilepsy and also to luxated patellae. Luxations commonly occur in backyard dogs. Regular nail clipping is needed for lightweight dogs.

Bred with the purpose for it to hunt rodents and rabbits especially, the Mini Foxie is an agile and speedy dog. It is ruthless when attacking rodents and able to squeeze into tight spaces and get out of them. That is why it has been considered indispensable by many Australian farms since the 19th century. Currently, these terriers are easy to adjust to both city and country life. Also, given their size, they do well in smaller spaces.

They are great pets, especially for families with children, given their loyalty, size, playfulness and cleanliness. Children should be made aware however of the difference between a plush toy and a real dog. These dogs get along well with other dogs also. They should not be left around small pets though, because their hunting instinct can be triggered by them. Other qualities that make the Mini Foxie a good family pet are its fearlessness and inquisitive personality. When receiving signs of danger it turns from the friendly doggie into a fearless watchdog or tenacious hunter if necessary.

Owners should be careful not to allow these terriers to develop the Small Dog Syndrome that occurs when they are allowed to act like pack leaders only because their size is not threatening. Like with all other dogs, this dogs instincts must be understood. It needs to socialize early so that it doesnt become too suspicious of what is new and bark excessively as a consequence, and it also needs daily pack walks.

Retaining the hunting instincts and tenacity of its bigger terrier relatives, the Miniature Fox Terrier is a safe family dog and fun to be around given its playful nature.

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