The Landseer

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The Landseer is a dog breed known for its gentleness and friendly outgoing nature. Its origin can be traced back to Germany and Switzerland, and is believed to have descended from breeds such as Old English Mastiff, Newfoundland and the Saint Bernard. Belonging to the working dog type, it is often seen in search and rescue missions.

Similar yet in many ways different than the Newfoundland, its characteristics combine into a well balanced dog. The body is tall, powerful, with legs comparatively longer than those of its black cousin. The general lines of the body are elegant and harmonious, while maintaining an agile and hardy aspect. The head is broad and massive and ends in a wide short muzzle. Its sincere dark brown eyes give it a distinctive and noble expression. With a straight and firm back and well muscled shoulders and legs, the dog is an excellent swimmer. The top coat is long, straight and dense, delicate and smooth to the touch.

This breed is known for its outstanding temperament which combines courage, generosity and intelligence. Due to their great size but mild and calm behavior they are also referred to as “gentle giants”. Although highly intelligent and with a good temperament, the Landseers stubborn and overly confident nature needs to be addressed with training. Training should not be firm, but involve trust, respect and patience. Because the dog tends to grow bored rather quickly, avoiding simple repetitive exercises and tasks is recommended.

A great water lover, this dog will not hesitate when being near water, it will jump right in. So forget about taking a dry dog home if your dog smells or sees water. If you feel like going for a swim, you should make sure the dog doesnt think you are in trouble, otherwise you might be “rescued” and dragged out of the water. Some basic training should solve the problem. Although this dog is active and enjoys spending time outdoors, sufficient exercise and daily walks should allow you to keep him even if you own a small backyard, or live in an apartment.

With proper early socialization, this dog will get along marvelously with other pets or children. Very loyal and devoted to the family, it will become protective when recognizing dangerous situations. Other dogs, children or visitors with no evil intentions will not be seen as intruders and will receive a friendly welcome. Very sociable, these dogs love attention and need strong relationships with humans. They often expect leadership and reassurance from the owner. Their gentle, patient and protective character makes them great companions for families with small children. Also, the dog will often be an object of amusement and entertainment while playing.

Because purchasing a dog is a big decision, discussing with family members about the issue is advised. If you come to the conclusion that you do need a loyal, affectionate family pet that can be a great companion for your children, you shouldnt have second thoughts. The Landseer is an excellent working dog, a great addition to the family and should be your most trustworthy friend for many years to come.

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