The Roman Rottweiler

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The Roman Rottweiler - A Legendary Breed And A Faithful Companion

When the Romans crossed the Alps they had a strong ally beside them, a dog which is known today as the Roman Rottweiler. These canines were used by the Roman troops not only in battle, but also for protecting and herding their cattle.

These dogs were large, strong and rugged enough to withstand the harsh, high altitude conditions. They were also very intelligent and with a high possession instinct towards their owners.

The breed is currently under the process of “re-creation” in order to bring back the original breed characteristics.

The Roman Rottweiler has a rather mastiff-like appearance, basically looking like an oversized Rottweiler, with a heavy robust body.

The head is also massive, broad, and sometimes with a few wrinkles. They have a square full muzzle with a black, wide nose. The eyes are almond shaped, very expressive and dark. Ears are triangular, very well set apart, and with downward pointing tips. The dogs teeth are large, and produce a scissor bite.

The head connects to the body through a muscled, strong neck, which can sometimes have a dewlap on it. The dogs chest, as its body, is wide and with a well-defined fore-chest.

The feet are compact and muscular. Dewclaws can be common in some dogs, but can easily be surgically removed. Usually, the tail is docked, with one or two vertebrae, left, but when left natural it is long and curled over the back, especially when the dog is excited.

The coat is thick and usually short, although its length can vary. There are a few color combinations, like black and tan, black with rust or dark rust, or simply black. Other variations can appear, like red/tan or blue/tan. Other colors or combinations can be accepted, but this is not really desirable.

Males are larger than the females, weighing 54 kilos, compared to 36 in females.

The breed is confident, courageous, calm and protective, and can be easily trained, although the owner must have a firm attitude towards the dog. If the training process is well done, youll have a loving and rewarding canine by your side.

This Roman hero very intelligent, this being the reason why the breed is commonly used in the military, police actions, or for customs work.

If the dog is well trained, it can be a good playmate for children, and will easily accept other house pets like cats or other dogs. The breed is a natural born guardian, so no stranger will enter your property unless you desire. On the other hand, family, or other persons with whom the dog is accustomed will be very happily welcomed.

This breed will be happy with living in an apartment as long as proper exercise is provided. They always love to run, swim or just walk beside you in a park.

The Roman Rottweiler is a breed which has stood the test of time and will certainly be an exceptional companion and guardian for you and your family.

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