The Standard Poodle

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The Standard Poodle A Noble Companion

The Standard Poodle is a beloved companion but it is also frequently used as a show dog. This is due to its appearance and high intelligence; it has a wonderful, curly or corded coat in the following colors: Apricot, Black, Blue, Brown, Cream, Gray, Red. Silver, and White.

If it is used as a show dog, the body is meant to have a slightly square-like appearance. However, there are other physical features too that please the eye. These dogs have a round skull, with dark oval shaped eyes that are set slightly apart. Usually, their eyes are a deep dark brown or black. The long, flat ears hang close to the head. Their front and back legs are proportionate to the rest of the body.

The poodle proudly carries its tail high. But, often, the owners dock the tail to half, or even less, in order to give the dog a more balanced appearance.

This breed comes in medium and large sizes, with an average height of over 15 inches (38 cm) and the males weigh between 45 pounds and 70 pounds, while the females weigh slightly less, somewhere between 45 pounds and 60 pounds.

If there is one word that can describe the Standard Poodle, it is grace. These creatures are elegant and noble. Their proud owners have also discovered other qualities such as being cheerful and good-natured Loneliness is not something a poodle should have to tolerate. They enjoy the company of humans and reward their owners amply for spending time with them. They are also friendly with strangers and children. Their affection is not limited only to humans; they mingle well with other dogs and pets too.

Poodles have a life expectancy of over 10 years 12 to 15, if well taken care of. They are quite easy to maintain. If they receive enough outdoor exercise they are calm indoors and inactive. Poodles need regular bathing and every six to eight weeks they require a clipping, if they are to be used as show dogs, they need a lot of extra care and grooming, but this goes for any breed.

Even if the exact birth country of this popular breed is not very clear the two main contenders are France and Germany - but they can be traced back to Europe, where they have been known for at least 400 years. The breed has often been depicted in bas-reliefs and paintings. The poodle has the following ancestors:
- The Barbet
- The French Water Dog, which is now extinct
- The Hungarian Water Hound (possibly)

In the end, no matter where it comes from, the Standard Poodle has become one of the most beloved breeds for its exotic appearance and noble attitude.

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