Old age is not fun for anyone, be it a human or a dog, but when the time comes it is important to know how you can make his life more comfortable. There is no instruction manual per se when it comes to caring for your old dog, but there are some tips which can make it easier on him.
1. Watch for any signs that your dog is aging
Some dogs go grey, aome are less energetic, it may be more difficult for them to climb steps, their eye sight may be affected, or they may even get a little grumpy
2. Keep in very good touch with your vet
Regular visits to the vet can prevent serious illnesses that may affect your furry friend, so don't overlook anything when it comes to his health;
3. Diet and exercise
This is great for both people and dogs. Choose a lighter food for your old friend maybe even something that is easier to chew, and make sure that he exercises regularly (also good for avoiding arthritis)
4. Keep your dog happy and playful
As dogs get older they may tire of playing with toys, make sure you give him lots of love and affection and replace those hard bones with softer plush toys
5. Get a comfy bed
A good nihgts sleep is most often the key to starting a great day. Your old dog should have a bed that is comfortable and padded, also one that is not too high off the ground. There is a good chance hew will have hip issues or arthritus setting in.
6. Treat him to softer treats
The treats that he used to like may now be to hard for him to chew, so consider switching to some softer treats, maybe canned ones, that are better tolerated by older brittle teeth
7. Keep your dog clean
Grooming is very important for your dog. Keeping your dog clean is a must in his old age and so is dental care. Try to brush his teeth regularly, brush his coat, and keep him flea-free
8. Keep your dog's weight under control
When you get those regular check ups at the vet, make sure he does a body condition evaluation which will let you know if your dog is underweight or overweight. You can ask your vet to advise you on the type of food you should be feeding him to help achieve that weight too.
By taking good care of your aging dog, you can ensure his longevity and comfort allowing you to enjoy each other's company and friendship. Taking the time to let your dog know you are still his beloved companion will be a reward for the both of you.