Capstar Pet Medication
- Dog or Cat
- Availability: OTC
- Active Ingredient(s):
- What is Capstar used for?
Capstar is an oral medication used to kill fleas on dogs and cats. It works within 30 minutes but the effects last only 24 hours.
- How Capstar should be used?
Capstar is approved for use in dogs and cats over 4 weeks of age and over 2 pounds of body weight. It is available for dogs 2-25 pounds and dogs 25.1-125 pounds. Choose the correct strength and give 1 tablet as the dose. For pets over 125 pounds give the correct combination of tablets.
- What are the side effects?
Pets my scratch as a result of the fleas dying. It is not a reaction to the medication itself. There are no known drug or food interactions.
- What special precautions are there?
This medication treats the pet only. To properly control fleas all pets must be treated and the outside and inside environments also need to be treated to prevent a reoccurrence.
- In the event of overdose?
Contact your veterinarian or veterinary emergency room.
- How should I store Capstar?
Store this product at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered veterinary advice. Any veterinary questions should be referred to your veterinarian. This information is NOT to be used for diagnosis or treatment of your pet. Please make your own inquiries with your veterinarian for the suitability of a product for your pet.