Virbac Yard Spray Pet Medication
- Availability: OTC
- Active Ingredient(s):
- What is Virbac Yard Spray used for?
Yard Spray Concentrate is a residual action insecticide concentrate for use outdoors on residential lawns and around residential premises only to kill fleas and ticks, including the Deer Tick, which can cause Lyme Disease.
- How Virbac Yard Spray should be used?
Read all directions and cautions completely before use. To kill fleas and ticks harboring in lawns, back yards, dog kennels and runs, apply Yard Spray Concentrate through the hose end sprayer provided with the product. This will provide the correct dilution and will treat 6000 square feet. This product can also be applied by compressed air sprayer or watering can after diluting 2 ounces of concentrate with 1 gallon of water to cover a 1000 square foot area. Repeat treatments may be necessary at 7 to 14 day intervals.
- What are the side effects?
This product can be harmful if swallowed. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. If in the eyes, flush with plenty of water. If on skin or clothing, remove clothing and wash before reuse. Wash skin with soap and warm water.
- What special precautions are there?
This pesticide is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply directly to water. Do not reuse empty container. Wrap container in newspaper and discard in the trash.
- In the event of overdose?
Contact a physician or poison control center immediately.
- How should I store Virbac Yard Spray?
Store this product in closed container in a cool, dry place.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered veterinary advice. Any veterinary questions should be referred to your veterinarian. This information is NOT to be used for diagnosis or treatment of your pet. Please make your own inquiries with your veterinarian for the suitability of a product for your pet.