Vetri-Lean Plus Pet Medication
- Dog
- Availability: OTC
- Active Ingredient(s):
White Bean (Phase 2 pet® brand) Extract (500mg), Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from 75 mg decaffeinated Green Tea Extract (52.5mg), Chromium Polynicotinate (50mcg).
- What is Vetri-Lean Plus used for?
Vetri-Lean Plus is a synergistic combination of ingredients that have been clinically tested to promote weight loss in overweight dogs. Combating obesity is a beneficial way to reduce joint dysfunction and lower the risk of other health issues such as diabetes in overweight dogs.
- How Vetri-Lean Plus should be used?
The recommended dose for dogs up to 50 lbs is 1 tablet given 10 minutes before each meal. For dogs 51-100 lbs give 2 tablets 10 minutes before each meal and for dogs 101 lbs and over, give 3 tablets 10 minutes before each meal.
- What are the side effects?
There are no known side effects.
- What special precautions are there?
If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration, and consult a veterinarian.
- In the event of overdose?
In case of overdose contact a health professional immediately.
- How should I store Vetri-Lean Plus?
Store this product in a cool, dry, place. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered veterinary advice. Any veterinary questions should be referred to your veterinarian. This information is NOT to be used for diagnosis or treatment of your pet. Please make your own inquiries with your veterinarian for the suitability of a product for your pet.