Adopt a Terrier / Mixed
Isa Wilson the Dog needs a home
Meet Isa!!! Isa came to us with her two daughters: Sabrina and Zaira. She is a pit mix, approximately 2 years old, and weighing around 50 pounds. All three girls are very laid back. Isa loves to be talked to and have her head scratched. She is working on leash training and is learning quickly. Isa loves other dogs. Her two girls have been adopted and she is still waiting to find her forever home!
If you are interested in meeting Isa, go to EHRDOGS.ORG and submit an application. Don't forget to ask for ISA WILSON!!!
- Animal: Dog
- Breed:
Terrier / Mixed
- Size: Large
- Gender: Female
- State: New Jersey
- Zip/Postal Code: 07866