Adopt a Labrador Retriever / Mixed (short coat)
Eclair the Dog needs a home
Eclair is a 4 month old female Lab mix currently weighing 23 pounds. Her estimated DOB is 10-9-17. Eclair and her six litter mates; Edison, Expresso, Elliott, Erika, Electra and Edmund were rescued in Mexico from under a house littered with trash. The rescue took two hours and the puppies were then taken to a rescue in Puerto Nuevo, Mexico where they have been doing well. Eclair is now ready to find her forever home and she would be a wonderful addition to any home. If you would like to meet Eclair,
please go to our website
to submit an application. Eclair will be up to date on all vaccines, will be spayed and micro chipped by the time her adoption is final. Her adoption fee is $350.
- Animal: Dog
- Breed:
Labrador Retriever / Mixed (short coat)
- Size: Medium
- Gender: Female
- State: California
- Zip/Postal Code: 92102