Adopt a Domestic Short Hair (short coat)

Domestic Short Hair (short coat) Cat

Mr Magoo the Cat needs a home

Cette fiche fait partie d’une liste de courtoisie. Le RSA n’est pas responsable de l’adoption de ce chat. Pour l’adoption, veuillez écrire à l'adresse suivante : [email protected] ou téléphonez au 438-938-0569

Mr. Magoo a été sauvé d'une colonie de chats quand il n’était encore qu’un chaton de 4 1/2 mois. Mr. Magoo était un défi de socialisation puisque les chatons âgés de plus de trois mois sont beaucoup plus difficiles à socialiser. Malheureusement, Mr. Magoo n'a jamais été bien socialisé vis-à-vis des gens. Il est encore assez craintif et ne permet pas facilement de se laisser caresser. Mais quand on s’approche suffisamment de lui pour le caresser, il semble l’apprécier. Donc, il démontre beaucoup d’espoir. Il est actif et aime jouer avec les autres chats avec lesquels il s’entend très bien. Mr. Magoo est un chat doux qui a peur des gens. Si vous avez la compréhension et la patience, il pourra, avec le temps, devenir vraiment amical et affectueux. Essayez de lui donner cette chance et vous serez bien récompensé!


This file is part of a courtesy list. The ARN is not responsible for the adoption of this cat. For adoption, please write to the following address: 

[email protected]

 or call 438-938-0569

Mr. Magoo was rescued from a cat colony when he was a kitten of 41/2 months. Mr.Magoo was a challenge to socialize, since kittens older than three months are far more difficult to socialize. Unfortunately, Mr.Magoo never became well socialized toward people. He is still quite fearful and does not easily allow himself to be petted. Although, when one can get close to him, he does seem to enjoy being caressed, so he shows a lot of promise. He is active and loves to play with other cats, whom he gets along with very well. Mr.Magoo is a sweet kitty who is afraid of people. If you have the understanding and the patience, he will develop, in time, to a really friendly and affectionate cat. Try to give him that chance and you will be well rewarded!

  • Animal: Cat
  • Breed: Domestic Short Hair (short coat)
  • Size:
  • Gender: Male
  • State: Quebec
  • Zip/Postal Code: H2L 4Y5
As of 9/27/2024 Mr Magoo is still available for adoption. Please use the owner information below to confirm that Mr Magoo is still available or to adopt. Don't forget to check the other animal shelters near me there are many other pets needing a fur-ever home.

Owner Information

  • Facility: Animal Rescue Network / Reseau Secours Animal
  • Phone:514-938-6215
  • Email:
You can find Mr Magoo at Animal Rescue Network / Reseau Secours Animal

If Mr Magoo is not the right pet for your family you can still adopt a pet.

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