Adopt a Greyhound (short coat)

Greyhound (short coat) Dog

Brooklyn the Dog needs a home

Brooklyn is a 1 year old red female. She is every bit as terrified of house living as this photo makes her look. She is shy and thinks all of the humans are crazy. She thinks the other Greyhounds in her foster home are kind of crazy too. She thinks the cats are aliens. It may be a while before this shy girl is ready for a home.

  • Animal: Dog
  • Breed: Greyhound (short coat)
  • Size: Large
  • Gender: Female
  • State: Missouri
  • Zip/Postal Code: 64051
As of 1/1/2025 Brooklyn is still available for adoption. Please use the owner information below to confirm that Brooklyn is still available or to adopt. Don't forget to check the other animal shelters near me there are many other pets needing a fur-ever home.

Owner Information

You can find Brooklyn at MoKan Greyhound Adoption

If Brooklyn is not the right pet for your family you can still adopt a pet.

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