Allen County Dog Control Department
1165 Seriff Road
lima, Ohio 45805
Phone: 419-228-3700
Fax: 419-224-0183
Email: [email protected]
"The mission of the Allen County Dog Control Department is to enforce the dog control laws of the Ohio Revised Code in a consistent and efficient manner, always sensitive to the rights and welfare of Allen County residents as well as the humane treatment of dogs."
The Allen County Dog Control Department is a law enforcement agency working under the authority and direction of the Allen County Board of Commissioners and charged with the enforcement of the dog control laws set forth in the Ohio Revised Code.
The Department employs the Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens who respond to calls for service. Vehicles operated by the officers are black with gold departmental lettering and insignias. Each officer wears a brown uniform with Dog Warden insignias and is a trained and certified law enforcement officer. The Department also employs a Shelter Keeper and Shelter Workers who care for dogs in custody of the Department.
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