Animal Angels Rescue and Rehab
290 Knowlton Road
jacksboro, Texas 76458
Phone: 940-567-3252
Fax: 940-567-3258
Email: [email protected]
We are no longer accepting new owner-release animals into the Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary is a permanent home for many of our Angels - their home for the remainder of their natural life. Our first duty is to them. Any further attempts to find room for "just one more" might compromise the welfare of our current residents & we won't do that. If an animal that you are responsible for must be rehomed, please work with your local agencies to assist them in helping you find it a new home. Your pet depends on you to do what is right for her.
No pets found on this shelter
Directions and map
Note: PO Boxes will not show correctly on the map below.