Lincoln Greyhound Adoption Program
83 Broadmoor Road
cranston, Rhode Island 02910
Phone: 401-781-6231
Email: [email protected]
"We are a Nonprofit Organization dedicated to finding loving and responsible homes for our beautiful greyhounds"
Throughout the country, animal lovers are discovering what wonderful companions greyhounds make.
Origins date back 4,000 years
Greyhounds enjoy a rich heritage dating back over 4,000 years. From the beginning of their history, greyhounds have always been highly regarded. Initially bred to be hunting companions exclusively for noblemen, this universally admired breed also was a favorite of both Cleopatra and England's Queen Elizabeth 1. Their unmistakable figure graces the walls and tombs of ancient Egypt. In Arabia, too, the sheiks admired the physical attributes of their sleek companions. Greyhounds were introduced in America in the 1800's to help farmers control the jackrabbit population and greyhound racing soon developed as a result of popular neighborhood competitions.
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