Paws Unlimited
637 Murray Road
Kingston, New York 12401
Phone: 845-336-7297
Email: [email protected]
Website: httpwww.pawsunlimited.com2501.html
Our Mission Provide food, shelter, health care and love for an animal in need, either for life or until they can be placed with a suitable owner. No animal will be turned away and no animal will be placed somewhere just to make room for other animals. Every dime raised, will go to this cause and the goal of founding a no-kill shelter for adoptable companion animals. Provide excellent animal care in a pet friendly atmosphere while ensuring that customers, both pets and owners, receive excellent service in a playful, safe environment. Paws Unlimited is dedicated to providing all animals with the highest quality shelter and living experience. Our program will meet these needs by providing an organized and efficient shelter accessible by all community members, maintained properly and priced affordably.
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