Second Chance Pet Adoptions
P.O. Box 73
cary, North Carolina 27512
Phone: 919-460-0610
Second Chance Pet Adoption was started in Cary, North Carolina in 1987 by 3 women - Sheri Sowter, Debbie Ruggerio and Judy Benrud. The decision to start a rescue group came after they realized how many homeless animals there were and what they could do to help. They began by "fostering" the stray cats and dogs they would find. Word got around and other people who found strays would bring them to Second Chance. Things began to get bigger and bigger. They built a structure to house cats in one of their back yards and one of the other women penned off part of her back yard for the stray dogs.
As time went on, Second Chance was able to get donated time from some vets and vet students. Things blossomed even more, and in 1989, they decided to apply for non-profit status. They created by-laws, rules, contracts, screening guidelines and became a bona fide 501 (c ) (3) rescue organization. They began recruiting volunteers to help them with the many tasks involved with caring for the animals and to assist with screening applicants. They recruited more vets to donate their time, drug companies to donate vaccinations and food companies to donate food.
Meanwhile, more and more volunteers came aboard, and more programs within Second Chance were created. Other foster homes came aboard, fundraisers were created and ways to show the animals were discovered, such as adoptathons, advertisements and TV Public Service ads.
Second Chance continued to grow and create more programs and in February 2004 opened a cageless no-kill facility to house cats. The facility features 4 large community rooms were the felines can romp and play and interact with the volunteers and public. The facility is open to the public every Saturday from 12 to 3 to come in and see some of the amazing animals that have been rescued. Second Chance has a strong foster home program. The foster homes house all of the dogs, kittens and puppies in the program as well as some of our special needs animals. In 2004, Second Chance adopted out more than 100 dogs and more than 400 cats. In 2005, we were able double the number we could help to over 1000 animals. Now in 2006, Second Chance continues to increase the number of animals that it can help and is reaching out to the community for long term change in the treatment of animals by starting a humane education program. We will continue our tradition of gathering with our family of supporters for our yearly event - The 6th Annual Auction For The Animals (July 29th at Exploris in Raleigh) and will continue to partner with other rescue groups to work toward the common goal of no more homeless animals.
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