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Traveller's Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary

spotsylvania Animal Shelter

P.O. Box 2260
spotsylvania, Virginia 22553
Phone: 540-972-0936
For many years I have seen the need for an organization like Traveller's Rest Equine Elders Sanctuary. Having loved and worked around horses, mules, and burros for more than thirty years, I have been aware, all too often, of the poor treatment of equines in their senior years. Many times the guardians of these senior horses and burros labor under the misconception that a happy retirement means banishment to a back field. I have met several older horses condemned to this sad fate by well meaning but misinformed caretakers. Proper shelter, good nutrition, regular vet and farrier visits are critical to a senior equine’s quality and length of life. Seniors also need mental stimulation to maintain a happy outlook on life. You wouldn’t want to be separated from friends and family when your working days are done. Neither do our equine companions. Equines are herd animals by nature and need companionship to feel safe and happy.

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