Where Wolves Rescue
30040 North 167 Avenue
sun city west, Arizona 85375
Phone: 623-546-9653
Email: [email protected]
Where Wolves Rescue is here to protect , save , and care for , the lives of domestic wolves , wolfdogs , and other animals. To educate the public , about these same animals , in how to care for , and interact with them. WWR is also here to provide care for unwanted and elderly animals whose owners can no longer care for them.
Where Wolves Rescue offers rescue, refuge, education, and adoptions. Where Wolves Rescue needs your financial support, your donations and items on our needs list: http://www.wolfcountry.com/Where_Wolves_Rescue/2006_needsandrequirements_list.htm
Please consider sponsoring an animal or just making a regular monthly donation to help cover some of our needs and expenses. Visit the website to use your credit, debit or Paypal account to make a donation today. Remember Where Wolves Rescue can not keep saving the lives of animals without your SUPPORT of our efforts. We need to know that you want us to continue our works and our efforts. It's just as hard for us, even harder to have to say NO and know that a beautiful, deserving animal will die because no one else has stepped up to the plate to protect them.
What Goes Around Comes Around.
Please enjoy your visit to our website: http://www.wolfcountry.com/Where_Wolves_Rescue/index.shtml
www.wherewolvesrescue.tk you might want to bring a hanky!
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