Wichita Falls Reptile Rescue
Wichita Falls, Texas 76310
WFRR provides for the relocation, rehabilitation, release, and adoption of needy or injured reptiles including venomous snake removal. For emergency contact and more information, please see our website. Co-founded by a Horned Lizard, Box Turtle, and Western Diamondback Rattler specialist and conservationist with 20 years experience in reptiles. Member Horned Lizard Conservation Society. Other co-founder is a reptile keeper for more than a decade, also with successful squirrel, wild bird, and dog rescue experience. Formerly of Ok. Great Dane Rescue Assn. We have current rescue efforts and stories on our provisional website. Adoptions subject to screening for experience and suitable habitat with particular reptile species. Completion of adoption form required. HabitatHome inspection may also be required.
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