The Loss Of A Pet
If you have ever owned a pet, you will eventually have to go through the loss of that pet, as we all grieve over the death of a loved one. This reaction is only natural. Our feelings toward our pets are so special that scientific experts have a term for the relationship: the human-companion animal bond. If this bond is severed, the sense of loss can be more than overwhelming. As a rule society does not offer a grieving pet owner a great deal of sympathy. Many of us have had a close friend comment: .."It's only a dog..." or "he was a nice cat. What are you going to get now?" Such a reaction would be considered heartless given the loss of a friend or family member, and it is recognized that anyone who has experienced such a loss needs the support of friends and relatives. We encourage you to remember those who you have lost and offer a Pet Memorial Board you can visit by clicking here.

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