Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Dog Tag Collars

Dog Tag Collars

If you have a dog and you want to be a good and loving owner to him, then it would be a good idea to select a dog tag, a tag includes basic information like your pet’s name, your home address and phone number, etc. These are useful when your dog runs away or gets lost. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Litterbox Training for Your Cat

Litterbox Training for Your Cat

One of the hardest things to teach your pet cat can be how to properly and reliably use the litterbox. This problem is so common, in fact, that there are specialized training programs out there for the sole purpose of training (or in some cases retraining) cats to urinate where they should. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Is a Pet Lizard Right for Me

Is a Pet Lizard Right for Me

Lizards are becoming more and more popular options for animal lovers – no surprise due to the relative ease in caring for such pets compared to more traditional companions. For more information please visit our website at under Pet Tips ...Read More...
Volunteering at an Animal Shelter

Volunteering at an Animal Shelter

Volunteering in an animal shelter can be a very rewarding experience for the ones undertaking it. Animal shelters in different cities might have different requirements and expectations of their volunteers, You should figure out all these details about your local shelter before enrolling, so that you know what you are subscribing for and what is expected of you. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
What Do Guinea Pigs Eat

What Do Guinea Pigs Eat

Foods that are safe to feed Guinea Pigs as treats or to supplement their diet. ...Read More...
Living with a Blind Dog

Living with a Blind Dog

Living with a blind dog isn’t easy, as it requires more commitment, but it doesn’t mean you and your dog cannot be happy. If you are both dedicated, you will find out that living with a blind dog isn’t any harder than living with a healthy one. ...Read More...
Why is My Cat Meowing Excessively

Why is My Cat Meowing Excessively

Cats, like other animals, communicate among themselves by hissing, yowling, growling – when it comes to people, however, they use meowing as a means of communication. When the meowing becomes too aggressive or is prolonged, it can signal a problem with the cat’s health; so if you are a cat owner, you need to pay attention to what the cat is trying to tell you, for more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Most Common Cat Problems

Most Common Cat Problems

Whether we are talking about health issues or behavior problems, any cat owner will have to deal with some of them at some point. Cats are not hard to be taken care of, they do not need to be walked outside and you just have to provide a few things for them to be happy and healthy. Sometimes, no matter what we do, our feline pets will experience problems, but pretty much anything has a solution and can be managed. Some of the most common cat problems are detailed below ...Read More...
Being a Foster Parent for Dogs

Being a Foster Parent for Dogs

Fostering a dog is a very positive thing to do, that has a great impact for improving the pet overpopulation issue. Animals fostered in a proper environment, receiving proper care and training, have more chances to be adopted, less chances to be returned or to suffer from stress and behavioral problems related to adapting in a new home. ...Read More...
How to Treat Hairballs in Cats

How to Treat Hairballs in Cats

Hairballs in cats develop as a result of their careful – sometimes excessively careful - grooming routine. They are usually harmless and will safely pass all the way through the intestines and being eliminated; if they remain in the stomach, they will eventually be vomited. However, there are also situations when they may become hazardous and cause serious health problems for your cat ...Read More...