Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

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Black Forest Hound

Black Forest Hound

Any Wild Boar Will Run in Fear Only By Hearing the Name of the Black Forest Hound

Originating from the mountain regions of Czechoslovakia, the Black Forest Hound is a hunting breed, used specifically to track down wild boars. The reason behind its name is pure marketing, meant to grow the popularity of this dog in the United States. In its homeland, it is known as the Slovenský kopov, which means Slovakian Hound. Probably, the American name has something to do with the color of its coat, but nothing is for certain. ...Read More...
Black Forest Hound

Black Forest Hound

Any Wild Boar Will Run in Fear Only By Hearing the Name of the Black Forest Hound

Originating from the mountain regions of Czechoslovakia, the Black Forest Hound is a hunting breed, used specifically to track down wild boars. The reason behind its name is pure marketing, meant to grow the popularity of this dog in the United States. In its homeland, it is known as the Slovenský kopov, which means Slovakian Hound. Probably, the American name has something to do with the ...Read More...
The Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound

An All-American Hunter

The Black and Tan Coonhound is one of the few genuine American breeds, developed by crossing the Bloodhound with the Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound. Its name is related to the color of its coat, and the purpose it serves, namely hunting. Although its origins go as far back as the seventeenth century, this breed was first registered by the American Kennel Club in 1945. It is an excellent hunter, with a great endurance; it is able to go for large game and to withstand any kind of environment conditions. One of its specific traits is that it relies entirely on its scent to find its prey. ...Read More...
The Billy

The Billy

One of the Greatest Hunters Out There

Developed in the nineteenth century in Poitou, France, the Billy as we know it today is the result of the passion and hard work of Hublot du Rivault. He crossed some of the most successful hounds in order to give birth to a new breed, which was meant to carry on the legacy of the King's White Dog. The Céris and the Montemboeuf gave the new breed its small size and orange spots, while the Larye came up with the keen nose. So, added to the sharp senses and the great stamina of the King's White, the breeder managed to create a better and faster dog, perfect for hunting both small and large game. ...Read More...
The Biewer Dog Breed

The Biewer Dog Breed

"Complicated" Is the Best Suited Term to Describe the Biewer Dog Breed

When talking about the Biewer, there is nothing simple and straightforward. Starting with the origins of this breed, and ending with the living conditions it demands, one must be armed with a lot of patience and energy, if one decides to adopt such a toy dog. ...Read More...
Bichon Havanais

Bichon Havanais

The Silky Dog from Cuba

One of the most appreciated family dogs, the Bichon Havanais of today, is the direct descendent of the Tenerife Bichon, which is now extinct. People who have researched the history of this breed say that, in the sixtieth century, during the Spanish occupation of Cuba, which lasted for about four hundred years, the seamen brought this breed to the island. Being so friendly and gentle, this little dog quickly made its way to the hearts of the rich people. They welcomed it into their homes, and soon it became part of the Cuban culture. ...Read More...
The Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise

A Bouncing Snow Ball

The stories about the origins of the Bichon Frise are a strange mixture of scientific facts and tales of fiction. Acknowledged during the twentieth century, in 1933, this breed is said to be more than two thousand years old. What we can tell for sure, judging by the scientific evidence, is that this breed was very popular during the sixteenth century. ...Read More...
Bhagyari Kutta

Bhagyari Kutta

A Dog That Loves a Good Challenge

The Bhagyari Kutta is a herding dog from Pakistan, with a long history alongside humans. Its name, which means “the wolf dog” in the Punjabi language, comes from the breed’s obvious resemblance with the Asian wolves. People say this breed was born out of a combination of a wolf and a domestic dog, a very long time ago. It is also called the Pakistani Shepherd Dog, due to the area where it can usually be found in. ...Read More...
The Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog

One Big Baby

The Bernese Mountain Dog (or Berner Sennenhund, as it is called in German) is one of the four breeds of large dogs originating from the Swiss Alps. Its name comes from the area where the breed was first acknowledged. This happened in the twentieth century, but we could say that this dog comes down from a distant lineage, its direct ancestor being the wolf. ...Read More...
Berger Du Languedoc

Berger Du Languedoc

The Fate of the Berger Du Languedoc Hangs by a Thread

There is something about the Berger Du Languedoc that we might consider a paradox. Even though it was created by breeders from France, nowadays it can be found in very little places in this country. ...Read More...