Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Jobs in Animal Care

Jobs in Animal Care

Working in animal care is not exactly about building a career, but having a very rewarding job. However, you will definitely start at the bottom (cleaning all kind of living quarters) and work your way up to other activities (mixing food, grooming, training etc.), as you get more accustomed to everything that is involved in animal care. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Jobs in Animal Care

Jobs in Animal Care

Working in animal care is not exactly about building a career, but having a very rewarding job. However, you will definitely start at the bottom (cleaning all kind of living quarters) and get your way up to other activities (mixing food, grooming, training etc.), as you get more accustomed to everything that is involved in animal care. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
German Pointer Breeds

German Pointer Breeds

The German Longhaired Pointer is a relatively rare dog breed and a pointing type of gundog, originating in Germany and bred for hunting small and big game alike. Like any other type of pointer, this breed has the ability to point to its owner the whereabouts of the quarry and remain still after locating it. This breed is a gundog par excellence ? an instinctive hunter, a reputable water worker, a steady and calm tracker and an excellent retriever, but it is not quite as popular as the German Shorthaired Pointer or the German Rough-Haired Pointer, although it is the oldest breed of pointers of German descent. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Choosing and Cleaning Cat Litter Boxes

Choosing and Cleaning Cat Litter Boxes

Emptying and cleaning litter boxes can be quite a chore and a pain, but if you follow these tips and instructions, it will become easier to handle. Still, if cleaning after your pet is too much for you, there are self-cleaning litter boxes for sale, and you can find them in pet stores or on the internet. No matter which option you choose, here?s to hoping you will have an easier time of taking care of your pet?s physiological needs. For more info please visit our website at ...Read More...
Choosing a Good Dog Groomer

Choosing a Good Dog Groomer

Especially for people owning big dogs, getting them into the tub for a bath may be challenging, causing a lot of trouble and headaches ? and arm ache, probably. This is why finding a good groomer will be very helpful in the process of cleaning your dog and making him look fluffed and gorgeous, using very safe methods. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Human Diseases in Dogs

Human Diseases in Dogs

Humans and animals share many different illnesses. Here are two that you should know about so that you can identify the symptoms as soon as possible to ensure the health and well being of your pet. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Most Popular Cat Breeds Today

Most Popular Cat Breeds Today

According to the most recent statistics, the number of pet cats in the US is around 90 million; only 4% are pure breeds, and the official lists recognize around 40 breeds.

Most people are fine with any cat; however, those pure breed cat lovers are always looking for a breed that resembles them: simple or sophisticated, quiet or outgoing, puffy or sleek etc. There are cats for every personality and every look. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Caring for Guinea Pigs

Caring for Guinea Pigs

A guinea pig is a wonderful pet, especially for children. And you can have him around for as long as 9 years, so take this also into consideration when you consider getting one. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Puppy Rescue

Puppy Rescue

More and more pet shelters and rescue organizations are turning to a ?no kill? model, but that doesn?t mean that all of them are doing it. What that means is, when they get too many pets and the pets have been there for too long, they are sadly put to sleep. Unfortunately, there are a number of older rescue dogs and cats that still have plenty of years left in them that are put down because there simply isn?t room in the shelter to house them alongside all of the other animals that are younger and more likely to be adopted by a foster home. ...Read More...
Vitamins For Dogs

Vitamins For Dogs

Veterinarians say that vitamins generally work for dogs just like they work for humans: calcium and vitamin D strengthen the bones, vitamins A and E help burning fat and losing weight, slowing down the aging process and keeping the eyes' healthy. Iron is needed in the blood, potassium and magnesium are good for muscles and a balanced heart, vitamin B helps cells grow and vitamin C is powerful for immunity. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
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