Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Dogs with Separation Anxiety

Dogs with Separation Anxiety

When the dog gets too attached to his owner, separation can become a problem, generating a behavioral deficiency known in today`s terminology as “separation anxiety”. It is quite common, being found in 10% of dogs of all ages. Normally, when a dog is left home alone, he plays with his favorite toy, eats and sleeps. With anxious dogs, things are not so simple. They manifest negative reactions when they are left alone ...Read More...
Elderly Dog Care

Elderly Dog Care

Here are a few things to know when caring for an Older Dog. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Smelly Dogs

Smelly Dogs

Any dog owner knows that dogs will always smell like dogs. Their specific odor comes from diet and the particularities of their body. Natural dog odor is not a problem it's usually solved with a good bath with a gentle shampoo, made for dogs with no fragrances. For more information please visit our website at under Pet Tips ...Read More...
Choosing Cat Furniture

Choosing Cat Furniture

Cats have their specific needs, and there is furniture made especially to satisfy their climbing, scratching, hiding, sleeping and playing needs ...Read More...
Cat Tail Communication

Cat Tail Communication

Body language is the main way of communicating for cats, and the instrument most commonly used to express various moods is their tail. A tail`s shape and movements form a code that can be read easily by those who pay attention to their furry companions. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Dog Hair Allergy

Dog Hair Allergy

If you are a person that suffers from dog allergy, you are probably aware that this is more of an inconvenience than you have initially thought. According to a recent study, 36,5% of homes in the United States have at least one dog. Yes, you heard correctly, almost half of America owns man’s best friend. The National Institute of Health warns that there are high concentrations of dog dander in the air. ...Read More...
Are Premium Dog Foods Really Better for Your Dog

Are Premium Dog Foods Really Better for Your Dog

There are many pet shops and online manufacturers that sell premium dog food, which is the sort of meal your pet needs if you want it to have a long, healthy life. Premium food has exactly this kind of composition to offer ideal nutrition. Yes, it is a bit more expensive (hence the name Premium) than grocery store food, but it is worth it, as your dog will get all its body needs. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
How to Remove Dog Tear Stains

How to Remove Dog Tear Stains

Dog tear stains are normal in some breeds, the reddish-brown, greasy tear stains that run out of your dog's eyes do not represent a particular danger for its health, but it is important to know why they appear and how you can get rid of them. ...Read More...
Top 10 Dog Breeds

Top 10 Dog Breeds

Here's a list of the 10 most popular dog breeds that steal our hearts. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Caring for Red Eared Slider Turtles

Caring for Red Eared Slider Turtles

Red eared slider turtles are very popular as pets. Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge about properly taking care of them often causes their premature death. Once the optimal conditions for their development are created, red eared slider turtles can live up to 75 years, which means that their care is a long-term commitment. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...