Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Most Common Cat Problems

Most Common Cat Problems

Despite the fact that cats are among the most independent animals out there, they are still pets that need to be taken care of and cat problems still exist.

Whenever your cat starts acting differently, weird in any way, you need to identify the cause and see if any intervention is needed from your side to fix it. This may not be easy - cats have, by nature, the tendency to take care of themselves and to resent any outside intervention unless requested. However, they might appreciate the help once it is given. ...Read More...
Handling a Cat Pregnancy

Handling a Cat Pregnancy

Learning the signs of cat pregnancy

Usually the first signs of pregnancy in cats start appearing when the pet is three weeks pregnant. Pregnant cats become more loving, quieter and less interested in playing. They start sleeping more and more, and spend much more time inside than usual. In terms of physical appearance, their nipples become larger and they start to gain weight from the fifth week on. ...Read More...
The New Trend on the Internet Cat Pics

The New Trend on the Internet Cat Pics

Cat pics are the most fashionable funny pics on the Internet right now. You can search any funny pictures website right now - it is inevitable to find at least one picture with cats in all of them. In fact, you will discover that, for most "funny pictures" websites, the cat pictures are the dominant theme. ...Read More...
The Process of Picking Cat Names

The Process of Picking Cat Names

Maybe not as complicated as picking a child's name, picking cat names is still not as simple as it sounds. The name you pick for your cat needs to suit the cat itself, you and, quite possibly, it should also go well with the names of your other cats, if you have any. And since a name is meant to stay with the cat for life, the process of picking it might take much longer than one would expect. Luckily for you, other people who have been through this process before have been kind enough to share their experience online - you can easily find inspiration there. ...Read More...
Cat Health Symptoms Dont Ignore Them

Cat Health Symptoms Dont Ignore Them

It is easy to form an idea on what the problem may be when people are involved and you know the symptoms, but cat health symptoms are so general and difficult to notice that rushing to diagnosis based on them would be like gambling the cat’s life. ...Read More...
Common Cat Health Questions Answered

Common Cat Health Questions Answered

As expected, especially when caring for a cat for the first time, most owners know very little about cat health, questions posed online being one of the few choices they have to get out of difficult situations.

Of course, we will do our best to answer any questions you might have, because we know what caring for a cat means and how expensive specialized services can be. However, remember that the value of our answers depends on your skills as an observer.

Cat Health What Should Be Your Major Concern

Cat Health What Should Be Your Major Concern

As you have probably realized by now, just like dogs and children, cats are a responsibility for the handling of which it is vital that you have some cat health knowledge.

First of all, each cat should be taken to the veterinarian once in a while, to make sure there are no genetically transmitted diseases to worry about and no local afflictions that can influence your cat’s wellbeing. ...Read More...
Cat Games The Most Popular Ideas

Cat Games The Most Popular Ideas

Sooner or later all cat owners admit that caring for their cat is a lot like raising a child, and cat games are no exception. If you find it hard to believe, just think that some quite interesting games for cats were developed for tablets. If cats are allowed to play games on tablets, they sure are allowed to play around the house and with their master.

But don’t worry, we understand you lack ideas for now, and we have a couple of suggestions you could use. ...Read More...
Interesting Cat Facts

Interesting Cat Facts

What may seem just another furry pet to most is in fact a living encyclopedia, and to get you convinced, we have collected a few cat facts we found interesting:

Cats vs. people:

* Just like people have unique fingerprints, cats have unique noseprints. The pattern of a cat’s nose ridges is unique.
* The cats’ hearts beat twice as fast as ours.
* Cats can read their master’s moods and change their behavior accordingly.
Often Encountered Cat Health Problems

Often Encountered Cat Health Problems

Cat health problems can affect any kitten at one point or another and some are more severe than others. There are conditions that can be easily foreseen and there are some that need a little extra care. Here are some the most common health problems that your cat can encounter: ...Read More...