Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Using a muzzle

Using a muzzle

If you don’t have a muzzle, and you need to immobilize your dog’s mouth because of an injury, make one out of a strip of cloth, rope, necktie, gauze, or a nylon stocking—anything you ...Read More...
Moving an injured dog

Moving an injured dog

To move an injured dog who cannot walk, perform the following steps:

--Restrain him with a muzzle, even the most easygoing dogs ...Read More...
Canine CPR

Canine CPR

Would you know what to do if your dog’s heart or breathing stops due to an injury or illness? CPR can be used to help dogs just as it is used to help humans. To perform CPR on a ...Read More...
Pet preparation for natural disasters

Pet preparation for natural disasters

Another unfortunate part of life is natural or intentional disasters. There are many animal lives that are affected as well as human lives by disasters such as fire, tornado or ...Read More...
Pet Emergency response

Pet Emergency response

Despite your best attempts to prevent emergencies, sometimes they just happen. Experts say that remaining calm is the most important thing you can do when you dog is injured or ill. If you lose control, you are putting both you ...Read More...
Pet emergency preperation

Pet emergency preperation

Don’t wait for a medical emergency to happen to find out where the closest emergency clinic is located. Instead of that, make sure to have the name, number, and address of a good 24-hour emergency clinic handy at all times. Before an ...Read More...
Preventing pet accidents

Preventing pet accidents

It is possible to prevent many tragedies, such as choking, poisoning, injuries and certain illnesses. A common one is choking. To prevent choking, buy toys that are made especially for dogs. Remember that if a toy has moveable ...Read More...
Dog Emergencies

Dog Emergencies

Yours and your dog’s life is full of the unexpected. There are personal and community emergencies that can take place. We should all be prepared for emergencies, because the only ...Read More...
Dog Walkers

Dog Walkers

Even though not all dogs need full-time day care, there are some owners who hire dog walkers to give their dogs a break from being alone all day long. Also, dog walkers are helpful if ...Read More...
In home pet sitter

In home pet sitter

There are some dogs who just do not do well in kennels—they might be nervous or scared, or maybe the kennel environment causes them undue stress and makes your time apart a nightmare. Hiring a pet sitter is one alternative to ...Read More...