Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Eliminate Cat Odors

Eliminate Cat Odors

There are several ways to remove cat urine odor from carpet or furniture, but keeping a clean litter box is the first thing that must be done. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Ode to Dog Training

Ode to Dog Training

When you bring a dog into your home, you also bring a responsibility, as this is foreign territory for him. If we choose to have a dog, we owe him respect, love and care. Effective dog training provides a way to make the dog fit in, by showing him acceptable behavior. For more information please visit our website at ...Read More...
Tips for Dog Training

Tips for Dog Training

Training is highly important for your dog. If it’s not done early or often, it might make the dog misbehave, making it hard for him to integrate into their environment. For more information please visit our website at under Pet Tips ...Read More...
How to choose a cat litter box

How to choose a cat litter box

The right litter box is very important for the comfort of your pet and comes to your advantage as well, saving you from unwanted accidents and from the fact that you will have to clean after your cat, who does nothing but exploit her natural instincts in a less natural environment. A cat that doesn't use the litter box properly can be trained, using gentle methods as well as buying a proper litter box, according to your cat's needs ...Read More...
What Causes My Cat’s Bad Breath

What Causes My Cat’s Bad Breath

Bad breath in cats is also known as halitosis, just like in humans. It is caused by a variety of health problems, and here we will give you some of the information you need to know about the causes are and what you can do to treat it. ...Read More...
How to Prevent Dog Barking

How to Prevent Dog Barking

How to Prevent Dog Barking: Understanding The Behavior And Tips To Deter Barking

Is your dog a real barker? Are you barely barely able to have a moment of silence between the outbursts of barking? Learn to understand what is actually happening and what you can do to correct this behavior, and you will have a better experience with your dog and a better animal companion. ...Read More...
Healthy Dog Food Recipes

Healthy Dog Food Recipes

Commercial dog food is great if you don’t have the time to cook a meal for your favorite pet at home. For those with time to spare however, making a home cooked snack for your dog or puppy can be ideal for its health. ...Read More...
Why is My Cat Losing its Hair

Why is My Cat Losing its Hair

Cats can suffer hair loss just as humans can. There are many possible causes: allergies, hereditary problems or even stress. Yes, you heard correctly! Stress can be a major factor when it comes to hair loss. ...Read More...
How to stop a male cat from spraying

How to stop a male cat from spraying

When cats reach sexual maturity and start looking for a partner, cats will spray, which is a form of marking and claiming their territory. All cats do that, males or females, but you will have to worry more if your cat is a male, because he will be much more active in marking his territory. ...Read More...
Pet ID Microchips

Pet ID Microchips

There are several sources on the internet that talk about pet GPS microchips and their importance in rescuing a lost pet. The problem is that in reality, there is no such device. There are pet ID microchips and there are GPS tracking devices, but a combination of these two does not exist yet.< ...Read More...