Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Affenpinscher Dogs Cute Fluffy and Funny

Affenpinscher Dogs Cute Fluffy and Funny

When first taking a look at an Affenpinscher dog, most people cannot help but smile: its cute, fluffy, hairy appearance and the constant smile it seems to be wearing will cheer up just about anybody. Also known as the monkey dog, it is very suited for someone who has a sense of humor and for whom the entertainment factor is very important when buying a pet. Most of the time, the Affie (as some will affectionately call him) is in a very good mood and more than willing to put on a show to entertain his masters. ...Read More...
The Amitola Bulldog

The Amitola Bulldog

What is an Amitola Bulldog? It is a new, captivating and beautiful breed of bulldog.

It is not a recreation of any past type of bulldog, but it is a new, revamped version. The ideal companion, this dog will always be calm and ready to play, with no aggression towards people or other animals. So, if you need a loyal friend or a companion to make you smile and feel happy, this dog would be a perfect match.

It is all about color!
The origin of the name Amitola is to be found in Native American cultures. It means „rainbow”. There are no fixed standards regarding the color of these dogs - they can have any color in the dog color spectrum - black, cream, red, fawn o ...Read More...
Abruzzenhund Dogs

Abruzzenhund Dogs

If you are looking to buy a dog and haven't decided on the breed, you consider buying an Abruzzenhund dog. The breed personifies the exact qualities that make us look for a dog in the first place: they are loyal, intelligent and incredibly brave, among other things. Also, unlike most dogs, they can be affectionate without becoming suffocating or too dependent on their owners. If you are looking for safety, they are also very good guard dogs – especially taking into consideration the fact that they manage not to create conflicts with your neighbors by barking at everyone in sight. ...Read More...
Siamese Cats and Siamese Cat Names

Siamese Cats and Siamese Cat Names

There are many possible Siamese cat names that go perfectly with the grace of these felines. This cat breed is among the most appreciated ones in the world. Siamese cats are very beautiful, loving and present distinctive features that make them perfect for pet beauty competitions. In fact, they have their own show that has been organized for many decades now.

No matter if it is Topper, Forester, Heathcliff, Merlin, Holly or Molly how you call your cat, there are three major Siamese cat names to refer to this breed: Traditional Siamese / Classic Siamese, Oriental Style Siamese and Appleheads. These four Siamese cat names stand for the differences in the physical characteristics of the cats belonging to this breed. Siamese owners managed to change the way these cats look like so that they can compete in beauty shows. ...Read More...
Three of the Most Unusual Looking Cats Breeds

Three of the Most Unusual Looking Cats Breeds

The number of cats breeds cannot be estimated with precision these days. This is because there have been breeders who tried to come up with cats that had different physical characteristic by crossing two breeds. However, the most important are the ones recognized by official cat registries.

The most important criteria of classification of cats breeds are the following:
1. By the country of origin
2. With hair or hairless
3. Type of hair
Adopt from a Persian Cat Rescue

Adopt from a Persian Cat Rescue

A Persian cat rescue is not complete unless the cat is adopted by a loving owner. Adopting an animal from the animal shelter is one of the best things that can happen to you. Most animals that are abandoned in such shelters are not to blame for the decision of their owners. The owners can no longer take care of their pets or they are not suitable to own one.

In spite of the fact that pedigree cats are very expensive there are people who do not care about that and abandon them. Moreover, these cats are very sensible and cannot handle living on the streets. They need to be taken care of ...Read More...
How Can You Tell If You Are Dealing With Sick Cats?

How Can You Tell If You Are Dealing With Sick Cats?

Are you suspecting that you have sick cats, but you do not know how to tell if they really have health problems or not? Don’t worry! Things are actually very simple. You don’t need to be a veterinarian to notice there is something wrong with your pet. Here are five things that should draw your attention:

1. Withdrawal or sleeping too much. Sick cats in general withdraw in a corner of the room and are no longer interested to play or do all the other things they usually do. However, cats are usually animals that love to sleep in comfy ...Read More...
What Does Spaying a Cat Entail and Is It Good for the Animal

What Does Spaying a Cat Entail and Is It Good for the Animal

Many cat lovers ask themselves if spaying a cat is really necessary and if it helps the animal. To be able to answer this question, people should know exactly what spaying an animal actually means.

Spaying is the term usually used in the case of females, referring to the surgical procedure that removes all or an important part of the reproductive organs of the animals. In the case of males, this procedure is often called neutering or castration. There are many sterilizing methods these days that pet owners choose in order to stop their pets from giving birth to litters they do not want. ...Read More...
Choosing the Purrfect Name for Your Cat

Choosing the Purrfect Name for Your Cat

When looking for popular cat names, you might find it harder than you thought it would be to decide on one.

Names define personality, feelings, desires, and they are a representation of the trust and bond between people and animals; this is why, when it comes to naming your cat, you may have some trouble. Some people name their pets very easily and seem to have a special gift for picking the right name that best describes the cat’s characteristics, whether connected to appearance or personality. ...Read More...
Neutering Cats

Neutering Cats

Neutering cats is a surgical procedure consisting in the removal of the feline's testicles. Neutering is derived from the Latin word "neuter" which means of neither sex. Technically, it is also known as castration, being the most common method of sterilizing animals.

The optimal age for neutering cats is not known exactly and doctors’ opinions differ in this area. Some of them believe that neutering must be done after the male cat is one year old, so that its reproductive system is fully developed. ...Read More...