Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

The Mexican Hairless Dog

The Mexican Hairless Dog

Mexican Hairless - A dog for Every Need.

The Mexican Hairless, also known as Xoloitzcuintli, or Xolo (show-low) comes in three sizes: standard, miniature and toy; along with these, the breed also comes in two varieties ...Read More...
The Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier - An Agile and Affectionate Dog That Loves People

The Manchester Terrier has its origins in 19th century England. Developed by crossing a Whipped to a cross bred terrier ...Read More...
The Majestic Tree Hound

The Majestic Tree Hound

The Majestic Tree Hound – A Friendly, Playful Companion and a Great Hunter

The Majestic Tree Hound is a very friendly and loving dog breed whose origin can be traced back to the end of nineteenth century as well as to the early twentieth century United States. ...Read More...
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier – A Big Personality In A Small Body

If you would like to adopt a small dog with a big dog attitude, then the Dandie Dinmont Terrier might be the best choice for you. ...Read More...
The Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier – A Cunning Personality in a Small Body

The Jack Russell Terrier, nicknamed Jack, is a small breed of dogs of the terrier type. The Terriers are usually very active dogs with wiry coat. The Russell was used to hunt small prey or fox. ...Read More...
The Kanni

The Kanni

The Kanni – An Agile Hunter and a Tender Companion

The Kanni is a breed of dogs from India. It is found in the region of Tamil Nadu and it is used for hunting. The name of the dog means “maiden” and is closely related to their custom - if a girl wanted to marry, the dog would be a present for the future groom. It is a rare breed. ...Read More...
The Miniature Fox Terrier

The Miniature Fox Terrier

The Miniature Fox Terrier – Cute Face and Great Personality

The Miniature Fox Terrier, also known as the Mini Foxie, is a small Australian terrier bred as a hunting dog and vermin router. It is a close relative of the Toy Fox Terrier, which was developed in the U.S. along similar lines. ...Read More...
The Labrador Husky

The Labrador Husky

Labrador Husky – A Loyal and Adventurous Friend That Can Help At Any Time

If you are looking for a lovely pet that can also help you do some work from time to time, you should choose a Labrador Husky. Even though the Labrador Husky is a Canadian purebred, at first sight, many people think that it is a mix between a Husky and a Labrador Retriever. ...Read More...
The Finnish Lapphunds

The Finnish Lapphunds

The Finnish Lapphunds - Cheerful Companions That Will Delight Any Dog Lover

The Finnish Lapphunds, also known as Lappish Herders or Lapinkoiras, are a breed traditionally used by the Sami people for herding reindeer. ...Read More...
The Danish-Swedish Farmdog

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog

What Makes The Danish-Swedish Farmdog An Amazing Companion For Everyone?

As the name suggests, the Danish-Swedish Farmdog originates from Denmark and Sweden and its main purpose is to guard the people and the animals in farms. Besides guarding and catching rats, the breed is also used in hunting, as it was obtained through the crossing of the Pinscher breeds and the British white terriers. ...Read More...