Animal Shelter Daily Pet Tip Archive

Pet Tips and Pet Information

Humane Societies and Nonprofit Shelters

Humane Societies and Nonprofit Shelters

Humane Societies and Nonprofit Shelters

In the 1960's and 70's most shelters were more warehouses, euthanizing animals, not like today where new homes are sought for strays and mistreated pets. Animals would spend ...Read More...
History of pet rescue and welfare

History of pet rescue and welfare

History of pet rescue and welfare

Organized animal welfare didn't begin until the 1820's in Britain, when a number of philanthropists founded the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. What you have to remember is, at that time animal welfare was considered a ...Read More...
The Wild Dog

The Wild Dog

The Wild Dog

The term wild dog is usually used to describe the African wild dog and the dhole of Asia, both of which are endangered species. The African wild dog is so endangered it is now ...Read More...
Hurricane Ike news

Hurricane Ike news

The Brazos Emergency Management Team is working with the local Brazos Animal Shelter and the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine to help shelter evacuees with both large and small animals/pets. Studies now show that many victims of Hurricane Rita and Hurricane Katrina refused to leave their pets, putting themselves in danger. Federal law now allows ...Read More...
Relatives of the dog 3 and 4 0f 6

Relatives of the dog 3 and 4 0f 6

The Fox and the Jackal

A more distant relative of the dog than the wolf, jackal, and coyote is the fox. There are 21 different species of the fox throughout the world,, including the red, gray and arctic. ...Read More...
Relatives of the dog 2 0f 6

Relatives of the dog 2 0f 6

Relatives of the dog 2 0f 6

The Dingo

The Dingo is a member of the domestic dog family, though it has lived in the wild in Australia for thousands of years. We do not know how the Dingo first arrived in Australia, but there ...Read More...
Relatives of the dog 1 0f 6

Relatives of the dog 1 0f 6

Relatives of the dog 1 0f 6

The Coyote

The highly adaptable coyote is the only large predator that has increased its range since the first European settlers arrived in North America. Sharing the same genus as the ...Read More...
Dogs in Islam

Dogs in Islam

Dogs in Islam

Dogs are considered so impure in the religion of Islam that most fundamentalist believe that something as small as even touching a dog requires a ritualistic purification. A bowl that a dog eats from cannot even be used until it has been washed ...Read More...
Dogs in Christianity

Dogs in Christianity

Dogs in Christianity

Although there are a few negative depictions of dogs in Christianity, it is the most tolerant of the major religions. A great number of Christians believe that the shepherds who once visited Jesus brought dogs with them. Because of their ...Read More...
Dogs in Judaism

Dogs in Judaism

Dogs in Judaism

In Judaism dogs are considered to be unclean, way back when the Torah was written dogs were still traveli9ngin packs, scavenging for garbage, and sometime human corpses. These wild packs of dogs often carried many diseases, and ...Read More...